Sunday, February 22, 2015

Soft Hackle Stone

As we get ready for late winter and early spring fishing, stones fly nymphs, of all shapes, sizes and colors come into play. This would be one of them. Relatively easy to tie, materials are readily at hand, other than this particular style of dubbing, but substitute. 
Come on, have some flair, create your own. That is what fly tying is all about. 

Soft Hackle Stone
Hook: TMC 200R, Sz: 4-8
Thread: UTC 070 Tan / Black
Lead: .020 - Tie on both side of hook
Tail: Brown Goose Biot
Body: Senyo's Fusion Dubbing - Tabacco
Rib: Small Yellow D- Rib
Wing Case: Golden Stone 
Thorax: Senyo's Fusion Dubbing - Tabacco
Soft Hackle: Brown Chinese Hackle or Schlappen

Sunday Funnies- "what a fish would say"

This was too funny to pass up and not post, it will make you laugh every time you hold 
up your fish and smile. WTF….