Friday, December 11, 2015


Shuttles via APP, shut the fuck up. Now you can do it. Our friend, guide and one very talented photographer Brett Seng has recently developed an online mobile application for help us to 
arrange river shuttles. As you will read on his website it combines the services of marketing and reservation tool into one, for the licensed shuttle providers, making a one stop shop for us the consumer .
Having used the service several times last summer, it made the process of finding as reliable shuttle
service much easier for the "out of towner". Yet still supporting all the local fly shops and vendors.
The best of the best.

Partnering up with many of your favorite fly shops in Montana and Idaho, you are supporting many great small businesses. Just a few of the great shops that participate in SHUTTLESNAP. 
HeadHunters Flyshop- Craig, MT - Anderson and Platte- Flyshop - Dillon, MT - 
Sunrise Flyshop - Melrose, MT - Four Rivers Fishing Co. - Twin Bridges, MT
The Stonefly Fly Shop- Butte, MT

Give a try when in western Montana or on the Henry's Fork