Monday, July 18, 2016

No Rules on this Trip

Had the opportunity to invite my good friend Dr. Jeff up to the river dinner and beers on the river
and fishing on Saturday floating a section he had not previously done. Normally our good friends jeff and Gerry spend a good deal of time fishing and floating together, but one had to have shoulder surgery due to many years of skiing and fishing. 

Know this that Dr Gerry is laid up and unable to row, I thought it would be nice to invite Jeff down for some special time on the river. As you can see by the graph below, the  river is in prime shape, and leveled off at 700 CFS. Perfect for the 70 miles of floatable river.

IPA's, Gin and tonics, bacon wrapped filets on the grill would start the weekend off and prime
the fisherman for an early day on the river. Alarms would be set for 5:15 departure to be on the river at sun-up. 

A single dry fly would would prove deadly , mended and floated along the 
long grassy banks early in the morning as the trout could not resist the slowly
drifted fly. Most everything we threw, Amy's Ant, PMX, Caddis, most flavors to the chubby
but the pink/ peach color in size 12, proved to be the most effective.

Many fish were brought to the boat, but Dr. Jeff was most happy has he did not have
to play by all the rules that he normally has too when fishing / rowing with his best bud Dr Gerry.
Normally they get to only fish 1 hour stints, then switching to make it fair. There was not of that silliness this weekend. I had fun showing Jeff some new water, rapids and ribbing him a little for missed fish.  What a great weekend to share time with a good friend on the river.