With run-off kicking up in high gear in the rocky mountain west, it seemed like a
great time to load the Adipose and head off to some water we know would be stable
and fishing well. Visiting our good friends at Headhunters is always on our yearly agenda,
as food is solid as it comes at Issac's, lodging, out of this world at the Sutton Place and fishing,
pretty much on par as usual for the Missouri.
Flows would bump slightly to around 7,000 CFS, moving the fish and fisherman
around just slightly. This would be some of the higher flows the river has seen in several
years with the lower snow pack and reservoir levels. Still would not impede the fishing.
As usual, good long days were spent on the river, most on the lower river toward Cascade
as this is our favorite water, fewer boats, really nice fish and some opportunities with dries
along some nice grass banks. Trade off.... can be windier at times. After long days of fishing,
Joe's was always a welcome sight for a couple of cold ones.
With the water being slightly higher, most of the fishing was sub-surface.
dragging a Silvey Caddis Pupa, Two Bit or Green Machine behind a worm.
I know I said worm, but thats what they wanted and that's what they got.
Surprisingly the river was very nice at these flows and boats were very
spread out, however, when you concentrate on the lower river, crowding was not an
issue. Just netting and releasing , with a few photo's was our concern.
Throw in a couple of short evening floats to enjoy the blue skies and windless evenings,
and another great trip to Montana was enjoyed.