Monday, July 20, 2015

North Platte Stage Stop

Well, I can't believe it we finally broken down and did it. After thirteen years of working next too, driving past, so many times, Ms. Floatfisher and I finally decided it was time to see what everyone
was talking about and wet a line. We would make a stop one the way home after our ten days on
on the Missouri River, just to break up the drive a little. (sounds like a good excuse )

Ray Lutz with Wyoming Flyfishers would be our host for the day, and 
what a great host we would be. A complete fishing nut, dude can put people on fish, fish
and more fish, and apologized repeatedly for us not catching the large ones. I guess the cookie cutter 19"  fish aren't acceptable after the first 30 or so, and you want some  21-23" fish. I am pretty happy with 19" fish, they are very scrappy hard fighting fish.

For the first trip I was not expecting high pines and overwhelming beauty that the other Wyoming rivers we have fished, as the wind and pararie grasses were blowing.

Thought this was a great picture, as this was a little rats nest that 
Ray would pick useful flies and other item out when he needed them.
Seems some various boxes of supplies turned over in the drift boat a few weeks
ago and made the beautiful mess. He has just mad the best of it, as business has been to busy 
to mess with it. Worked for him, worked for us....
The bug boxes that worked for us.

Thunder storms brewing in the distance.
Some great non descript  water that provided many fish. This river will 
now be on our regular agenda. However, we will have to get a trolling motor for 
the Adipose, I am guessing....