Friday, January 31, 2014

BK's AP Nymph

BK's AP Nymph
Hook: TMC 2499, Sz. 12-16
Bead: Gold Tungsten
Thread: Grey 8/0 Uni
Tail: Coq De Leon
Abdomen: Dun UV Ice Dubbing
Rib: B/R Gold Wire
Thorax: Tan UV Ice Dubbing
Wing Case: Pearl Flat Mini Braid
Legs: Brown Hen Hackle

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Seahawks 12th Man Fly

Getting in the Superbowl spirit I decided I would tie a couple of 12th Man Intruder Flies to honor
each team in the big game, if it is not snowed out. The first to make its debut is the
Seattle Twelfth Man. 

Seattle 12 Man
Shank: Boddington 25MM Shank
Thread: 6/0 Blue Uni
Rear Flash: Enrico Plugasi Brush, Blue
Rear Hackle: Senyo's Pearl Wacko Hackle
Front Flash: Enrico Plugasi Brush, Pearl
Front Hackle: Senyo's Blue Wacko Hackle
Hackle: Blue Schlappen
Flash: Pearl Angel Hair
Wing: Chartreuse Arctic Fox
Collar: Blue Doctor Blue Guinea
Senyo's Intruder Wire- Blue
Sz: 4 Gamakatsu Octopus 

Denver's 12th Man, to come later in the week.F

Adding to the Collection

In preparation for our upcoming trip, Ms. Floatfisher thought the staff photographer
needed new glass to capture her first steelhead. She happily escorted me down to 
purchase the newest addition to our camera family.

Now all we have to do is pray for a little rain to get them moving up the rivers. Been a little
dry in the Pacific Northwest. Do a little dance, BANG
More to come, all year…..

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hogan's Red Headed Stepchild

Hogan's- Red Headed Stepchild
Hook: Dia Riki 070, Sz: 14-16
Bead: Lucent Red Tungsten
Thread: Uni Brown 8/0
Tail" Pheasant Tail Fibers
Rib: Small Red Wire
Thorax: Peacock
Wing Case: Pearl Mylar
Legs: Red Krystal Flash

At the Vise

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Eric Pettine's Unconditional Steelhead Fly

Had the opportunity to sit and watch Eric Pettine tie some of his signature patterns a few weeks back.
Eric is a retired guide who spent many of his day and year rowing and guiding the fine waters of Northern Colorado and Wyoming. Now he has the opportunity to relax and enjoy a little family time and fishing. A signature fly-tier for Umpqua Feather Merchants, Eric usually has several of his patterns in the catalog at any one time. 
Watching him tie this "no name" pattern, I thought it looked beautiful and one that I must tie for the blog. Pen in hand for the recipe, materials eventually purchased and poof, her you go.

Eric Pettine Unconditional Steelhead Fly
Hook: Daiichi 2052, Sz: 1.5 -5
Thread: Black 70 UTC
Tail: Brown Hackle Fibers
Tag: Chartreuse Uni Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Small
Front Thorax: STS Trilobal Dubbing- Teal
Wing: Polar Bear (Substitute)
Collar: Purple Schlappen
Front Collar: Blue Doctor Guinea 
Head: Black 70 UTC Thread

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fly Tying at Charlies Flybox- Feb. 1st- Come one, Come all

I am honored once again to be asked to be a guest tier for Charlie and his patrons.
I normally do a little program including fishing and tying flies for the Arkansas River
in Southwestern Colorado. Having done this for the past 3-4 years, I will be switching it 
up and tying some new and old tested favorites of the west. 

Join me at Charlies Flybox on Febraury 1st,  from 11- 1:00 PM. I look forward to seeing
you all.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

School of Baitfish

"Contfluentus" by Adipose Fly Fishing

The way most of the video shorts should be made, nice footage, good editing and some good music. Yes, you have to throw in a few, fish cause thats what fish porn is all about.
A good watch with your Bailey's and coffee this morning.  Job well done Adipose.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Marabou Orange

Silver Pop
Hook: Daiichi 2052, Sz: 1.5
Thread: Orange UTC 70
Body: Medium Silver Wire
Marabou: Orange Marabou
White Marabou
Head: Orange UTC 70 - Clear Cure Goo- Hydro

"Passion" by Bearnishfly

Passion from Bearnishfly on Vimeo.
Bravo, a real nice video short that captures the finer things about this beautiful sport. Pour a 
cup of coffee and enjoy this nice flick.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ian's Brass Ass

Ian's Brass Ass
Hook: TMC 2499, Sz 6-14
Thread: Chartreuse 6/0 Uni / Black 6/0 Uni
Body: B/R Chartreuse Wire
Front Head: Black 6/0 Uni
Cheeks: Small Red Halo Tinsel
2- coats Clear Cure Goo

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

UV Yak Clouser

UV Yak Clouser
Thread: Lagartun X-Strong White
Eye: Red / Black Barbell Eyes (match hook size)
Top Hair: UV Polar White Yak Hair
Flash: Black UV Krystal Flash
Bottom Hair: UV Olive Yak Hair
Head: Lagartun X-Strong White
2- coats of Clear Cure Goo

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Floatfisher's Marabou

Floatfisher's  Marabou
Hook: Gamakatsu T10-6H, Sz: 2-6
Thread: Lagartun's X-Strong White 
Body: None
Rear Marabou: 2 Turns- White Marabou
Front Marabou: Orange Marabou
Front Flash: Pearl/Pink Flash
Head: Uni Mono (2 coats of Clear Cure Goo)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Been Busy

It is always fun to experiment with new and old fly patterns. Thats what has been happening in the
"fun lab" at the Floatfisher compound. While others all caught up in the hype of the Bronco's, and pope
Payton. It is on to thoughts of catching (hopefully) some fresh steel in the upcoming weeks.
 Tying some of these patterns you almost need to wear shades, as they are bright and colorful.
 If they don't work they sure make for fun and damn pretty box of flies.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blue Ribbon's Baker's Hole Soft Hackle

Baker's Hole Soft Hackle
Hook: Alec Jackson High Country #9-13
Thread: Tan Uni 8/0
Body: Blue Ribbon Hyrosyche Tan Dubbing
Rib: Small Silver Wire
Hackle: Natural Partridge

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lexi's TH Halo Midge

Lexi's TH Halo Midge
TMC 2457, Sz: 16-20
Bead: Black= Purple , Gold= Black
Thread: Black UTC 70
Abdomen: Purple or Black Medium Halo Tinsel
Rib: Silver= Purple , Gold= Black
Wing Bud: White Zelon

Friday, January 17, 2014

Flytyingclips by Herman Degala

If you have not checked out this absolutely great website produced by Herman Degala,
you are missing something special. Herman features some very gifted fly tiers, by posting there flies in a unique 360' view. The lighting and photography are stunning. Please check it out.

I would like to Thank Herman for graciously featuring me and a few of my flies on his site. It
is an honor to featured along with some of great tiers out there. Thanks Herman.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Higas SOS Nymph

Higas SOS Nymph
Hook: TMC 2499, Sz: 12-18
Thread: Black UTC 70
Bead: Silver Tungsten
Tail: Natural Black Pheasant Tail
Abdomen: Black UTC 70 Thread
Rib: Lagartun Small Silver Wire
Thorax: Mercer's Buggy Nymph Dubbing
Wing Case: Red Floss
Legs: 3 each side- Black Krystal Flash

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Late Night Fly Tying- "Creepy Slider"

HCFT 38 - Creepy Slider from chase hancock on Vimeo.

A little late night fly tying video by HARDCORE FLYTYING, enjoy this cool the of the Creepy Slider. 

Steelhead Fly

Steelhead Fly
Hook: Gamakatsu T10-6H, Sz. 2-4
Thread: Orange UTC 70
Tail: Orange Hackle Fibers
Rear Body: Orange UV Ice Dubbing
Rib: Flat Gold Embossed
Hackle: Orange Spey Hackle
Front Body: Black UV Ice Dubbing
Rib: Flat Gold Embossed
Hackle: Black Spey Hackle
Collar: Barred Mallard Flank
Head: Orange 6/0 UTC

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hot Bead Pheasant Tail

Hot Bead Pheasant Tail
Hook: TMC 2499, Sz: 12-16
Thread: Brown 8/0 Uni
Bead: Chartreuse Tungsten
Tail: Pheasant Tail Fibers
Body: Pheasant Tail Fibers
Rib: B/R Chartreuse Wire
Thorax: Black/Peacock UV Ice Dubbing

Photo of the Day- "Nymph Lip"

Monday, January 13, 2014

Black and Purple

Floatfisherr's Black and Purple
Hook: Gamakatsu TH10-6, Sz: 2-4
Thread: Black UTC 70
Body: Black Halo Tinsel
Rib: Lagartun Small Silver Wire
Thorax: Purple Ostrich
Hackle: Black Strung Hackle
Collar: Purple Guinea 
Head: Purple UTC 70

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bronco Buster

I honor of the Bronco / Charger game today, thought I would tie a little something special.
Sure to catch some fish, sure to be a hit of Bronco fans.
Get-M Chargers!

Smartt's Glass Minnow

Smart's Glass Minnow
Hook: TMC 600SP, Sz: 1 - 2/0
Thread: Lagartun X-Strong White
Tail: White Super Hair
Main Body: Pearl UV Ice Dubbing (brushed out long)
Eyes: Clear Cure Goo 1/4"
Color Pen-  Panetone Olive

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Photo of the Day- " Hung Up"

Sometimes your casts don't always make it to their intended destinations. This one did not either, stuck directly in the tree behind me. "Hung Up"

GN Lucent Nymph

GN Lucent Nymph
Hook: TMC 2499, Sz. 12-16
Thread: Brown Uni 8/0
Bead: Lucent Tungsten Bead
Abdomen: Dun UV Ice Dubbing
Rib: BR Silver Wire
Wing: Brown Goose Biots
Hackle: Natural Partridge
Collar: Dun UV Ice Dubbing

Friday, January 10, 2014

Lime White

Lime White
Hook: Gamagatsu T10-6H, Sz: 2-6
Thread: Chartreuse 6/0
Rear Marabou: White Marabou
Front Marabou: Chartreuse Marabou
Head: Chartreuse 6/0 
2- coats Clear Cure Goo

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Steelhead Nymph

Steelhead Nymph
Hook: Gamakatsu Octopus, Sz: 4-6
Thread: Lagartun X-Strong White
Bead: Chartreuse Tungsten
Underbody: Pearl Mylar
Overbody: Medium Chartreuse D-Rib
Thorax: Purple UV Ice Dubbing

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Winter's Worm" by Joe Cummings

Missoula Fly Fishing Video - Winter's Worm from Joe Cummings on Vimeo.
We are in the doldrums of winter, a few fishing videos coming out from time to time, I thought this one was alright. The "worm" gets a bad wrap from some fisherman and guides so I like the theme.
Nice work Joe.

Stubby Buddy

Stubby Buddy
Hook: Gamakatsu SC15, Sz. 2/0
Thread: Lagartun's X-Strong White
Tail: Erico Piglisi- Anadromus Fiber Brush- Pearl
Flash:Erico Piglisi- Anadromus Fiber Brush- Purple
(In front of tail section)
Marabou (Rear): Orange Marabou
Marabou (Front): Purple Marabou
Collar: Purple UV Ice Dubbing
Fish Mask: #7 Fish Mask
Eye's: Clear Cure Goo- Holographic Orange / Yellow

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Swing the Fly- The Voice of Spey

If you have not subscribed to this fantastic e-Magazine you are missing something
special. Well supported, well written by some fantastic fisherman, flitters and photographers.
Time to sign up for a free subscription.Swing The Fly

During the November and December they ran a Flytying Contest, since I have been dabbling in 
steelhead and spey flies lately, I decided to submit a couple of flies. Both made it into the top 10.
I was humbled. Now it is time to go give them a tumble in the water in February.

Bookmark Swing the Fly and check it out every quarter.

Un-named Nymph

Un-named Nymph
Hook: Dia Riki 060, Sz. 12-16
Thread: Uni Grey 8/0
Bead: Copper Tungsten
Tail: Brown Indian Hen
Abdomen: Special Blend- Dun, Blue, Callibaetis- UV Ice Dubbing
Rib: BR Silver Wire
Thorax: Black UV Ice Dubbing
Leg: Brown Indian Hen

Monday, January 6, 2014

IF4 Flyfishing Film Festival- Denver

IF4 2014 - Tickets On Sale Now! from IF4 on Vimeo.
Ms. Floatfisher and I had the opportunity to attend the premier of the 2014 IF4 Flyfishing Film Festival friday night in Denver, during the annual Fly Fishing Show. Again, another nice lineup of talented film-makers and decent topics. My personnel favorites were Mending the Line, Change of Pace and Unbroken, although it almost seemed like a commercial for their lodge, it was very well done.

As always the sponsors always give a healthy dose of goodies away from the generous supporters of the event. We were lucky enough to walk away with the Grand Prize of the Loomis 11'-7wt. Loomis Switch Rod, flyline and other various swag. Not bad for a $10 ticket.

Check it out if it comes to a neighborhood near you.

Anchovy Fly Pattern

A very easy Anchovy fly pattern for those of you fishing the salt. Just a few common tying supplies 
you should all have lying around the house.
Anchovy Fly Pattern
Hook: Owner Aki Saltwater Hook, 2/0
Thread: Tan Uni 6/0
Lead: .020 Lead
Under Body: 4 Strands of Silver Flashabou
(Cover all wraps of lead)
Body: EP Fibers or Craft Hair- Tan
Lateral Line: Silver Flashabou
Eyes: 5/16 , Clear Cure Goo Eyes

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Denver Flyfishing Show

Some of the highlights from this weekend's Denver Flyfishing Show. Usually I do not get overly excited for the show, as it is the same old vendors, lodges and flyshops. Being a consumer that relatively set in his ways, there is usually not a lot at the show that is a need or have to have, even a great prices. 

This year for some reason was different. I did see the same similar faces I like to see and chat with, but I met a lot of new and very interesting folks, chatted about new fishing locals and destinations that had never sparked the engine prior. Guess it is time for new water and adventures in the next couple of years.

Cruising through the brochure of talks and slide shows I noticed the fellow blogger, Cameron Mortenson would be hosting a hour talk on Fiberglass. Not being very hip on the topic I decided to listen the gentleman in the know. Cameron had a very well put together program on the present state of fiberglass rod programs and builders from small custom builders to the larger rod builders such as Scott and Orvis , who is just entering the game. 
Cameron also passed around many different small custom builder's rod for us to look ,view and hold.
Class was small, lots of great information and I walked away learning a lot more. I am looking forward to fishing my new Scott F2 this year, may picking up another rod also.
Finatic- Yes, I think I am becoming a Hatch addict. "Reely" the only deal that I could not pass up
especially since we are headed to the OP steelheading next month. 
Had the opportunity to meet Eric Ishiwata, a fabulous flytier. Mary and I spent and hour or so talking about streamers and steelhead fishing and flitting at he Beleah Rod booth. Also , extremely great folks. 
Eric discussed his Grand Master Flash pattern photo'd above.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hot Spot Brown Nymph

Hot Spot Brown Nymph
Hook: TMC 2499, Sz: 12-16
Thread: Brown Uni 8/0
Bead: Black Tungsten
Tail: 4 fibers of Pheasant Tail
Abdomen: Az. Synthethic Dubbing- Hares Ear
Rib- B/R Uni Silver Wire
Soft Hackle: Tan/ Gray CDC
Hot Spot: Hot Pink UV Ice Dubbing

Friday, January 3, 2014

Soft Hackle- Brown

Soft Hackle - Brown
Hook: Alec Jackson North Country #9-13
Thread: Brown 8/0
Rib: Lagartun's Small Silver Wire
2- coats Clear Cure Goo
Hackle: Dyed Brown Partridge
Head: Brown Uni 8/0

B/W Hopper

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Big Eye Bucktail

Big Eye Bucktail
Hook: Owner Aki , #2/0 Hook
Thread: Lagartun X-Strong White
Bucktail: White Bucktail, Orange Bucktail, Yellow Bucktail
Flash: 4- Strands Pearl Flashabou
Eyes: 5/16, Red Yellow  Holographic Clear Cure Goo Eyes