Sunday, June 25, 2017

Grandiose Weekend

It seems we have been blessed to hit certain rivers and hatches spot on in the last couple of years. This year no different, with the water on the dropping and clearing daily, the bugs were insane.
Quite virtually having our choice of bugs to throw, you just had to choose, still quite a few salmon flies fluttering, golden stones as thick as can be and coving the sides of the boat, grey drake clouds up and down the river and numerous species of caddis fluttering amongst all.
We decided to stick with a single golden stone dry as this would provide us plenty of rises and fish.
Working the opposite side of the river from most of the right handed casters would yield water that had not seen very may flies since high water .

All the browns and a few bow's were healthy and eager eaters. Will be back for more punishment
over the extended holiday weekend.

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